AS Saarek Productions
AS Saarek Productions is engaged in buying-up, processing and selling wild berries, as well as the production of fruit preparations and stuffing for the dairy, ice-cream, bakery and confectionery industries.
⟢ More than 30 years of experience in freezing and cleaning wild berries.
⟢ Product export experience: European Union Member States, China, Japan.
⟢ Modern technology for the production of fruit preparations and stuffing.
⟢ Strict quality control system.
⟢ Qualified and carefully selected personnel.
⟢ Logistically good location and developed infrastructure.


AS Saarek Productions
Phone: +372 734 0050
E-mail: berry [at] saarek.ee
Reg. nr. 12785147
VAT nr. EE101771306
Moosi 3, Reola
61707 Tartumaa
X: 6465193,2
Y: 658827